Hey Hey Hey! It's that time of year again! Let the countdown begin... 10 more days until SUMMER BREAK! (insert applause here) This time of year is always stressful, there is so much to do as the school year comes to an end and this year is no different... we have testing, testing and, oh wait, more testing! Our poor little ones are taking test after test... two weeks ago they took there big end of the year assessments in Science and Social Studies (that was new for our county this year). Last week that took there end of year assessments in special areas like PE and Music... yes, I know, they are even paper/pencil testing PE now (whhhaaaatt!) And this week, Melissa and I will be administering our end of year assessments in reading, math, and writing. Like the common phrase "there's an app for that"... it seems like we can safely say "there's a test for that" these days! It's been down right CAH-RAY-ZEE around here folks! In lieu of all this testing, Melissa and I tried to come up with some extra fun (even more fun than our everyday kinda fun haha) activities to end our year with a BANG! Here is a glimpse at some of the activities that we are planning...

Although we are both looking forward to relaxing a little bit this summer, we were also picked to be the lead teachers at a summer camp being offered by our school this year. Thankfully, this is not your "everyday summer school". Our 1st through 4th grade students will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on, STEM related activities like building rockets! How cool is that!?! I can wait to see the expressions on our kids faces on the day we actually get to launch those rockets!!! That's going to be priceless!!!
With that being said, we need to go make sure that our No. 2's are sharpened and ready to go for tomorrow! I hope you are all enjoying fun activities with your little ones as the year comes to an end and are not bogged down with too much testing! I know this post was short and sweet , but we will post soon with pictures of these events!
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